Book collection: the adventures of "SamSam"

SamSam and his family are the protagonists of a series of cartoons and books created by illustrator Serge Bloch. The main character is Sam Sam, a little superhero with powers who is learning to grow up.

SamSam is five years old, he knows how to fly, he is barely afraid and is able to face, although with some problem, the most unexpected monsters, like "Nightmare". But your great imagination will help you overcome all adventures.

SamSam is accompanied by his father and mother (SamPapá and SamMamá), his affectionate flying teddy SamOsito and his friends Guisantito, a planetary pea or SuperJulia, with a great power of persuasion.

Is about books aimed at children between 3 and 8 years old, I have found very original, with a futuristic aesthetic and entertaining stories and constructive message. The little ones will surely find points in common with the superhero SamSam, because in spite of everything they are presented with everyday situations and they will approach values ​​such as friendship, courage, responsibility, respect or family.

These are the titles of the stories published in Spain:

  • "Fanguito becomes clean"
  • "Back to March"
  • "The two birthday parties"
  • "Why don't we change our son?"

The SamSam collection is published by Ediciones SM, and composes a total of six titles, four stories in cartoné and two notebooks of activities.

Video: Choose Your Own Adventure!! BOOK COLLECTION (July 2024).