They ask incessantly "And why?"

The children ask and ask and ask: And because?. This stage, which usually appears after three or four years, can be exhausting. They never get tired of asking and sometimes we get exhausted or we encounter issues that we don't know how to even answer.

I think it is a mistake to lose patience, no matter how overwhelming the continuous questions overwhelm us. The curiosity of children explodes at this stage and we are their references to find explanations for a new world full of questions. They want to know and know everything, discover how things work and where they come from. There is no better time to support your desire to learn.

When the avalanche of the "And because?" If we give a bad answer "can't you shut up for a while" or if we get to call them "heavy" we are cutting off the greatest momentum that your intelligence will have in your life. They come to us as natural guides and if we fail to regain their confidence or strengthen their self-esteem and their desire to learn may be damaged.

The child wants to understand the reason for things. It may depend on our role that your desire to discover grows or is diluted. That does not mean that we can sometimes feel overwhelmed, but assuming our role as educators at this stage can help us understand how important we are now and cope better.

The catalog of questions is infinite and the answers are not always easy: Why does it rain? Why does the neighbor have dark skin? Why did the grandmother die? Why does the sun heat up? Why was I born? Why are there wars? Why do we have two legs? Why don't the stars look during the day? Why do I have to go to school? Why are we born to mothers? And why Why is the sky blue? Why is the sea salty? Why can't I fly? Why does it burn fire? And many more And because? They will surprise us.

There are no prohibited topics for them. They want to know everything. Our role is to provide answers in an affordable language and adapted to their ability to understand, without lying to them but being aware of what they can assimilate.

When the "And because?" We must encourage them to ask, dedicating the necessary time. That will help them develop their intelligence and their language, improving trust and the ability to communicate with us.

In Babies and more | Why do children ask so many questions?

Video: Dr. Phil Questions His Guests about the Reasons They Incessantly Call the Police (July 2024).