Unique names for babies, a rising trend

The choice of the baby's name is a very important decision. There are many things to keep in mind to get the name we will give our little one.

To help inspire us, countless websites offer us listings and listings of boy and girl names, their origin, meaning and rankings of the most and least popular names over the years.

But it seems that precisely what today's parents want is to differentiate themselves. The names most used for, on the contrary, are becoming less popular choose the most unusual names. That name you have not heard in your life has a better chance of being the perfect one. This is demonstrated by a study conducted by psychologists from the city of San Francisco based on the data of the names given to babies for more than a century until today.

They explain that nowadays people are more worried about highlighting than fitting, so they look for unique and distinctive names. The popular thing now is to be unique.

Hollywood stars and famous people are an important reference in this regard. They love to choose quirky names for their offspring. Names that end up becoming fashionable among new babies. This eccentricity seems to be spread to the rest of the parents.

It's great that trends change and we start hearing new or less traditional names. The problem, from my point of view, is when originality borders on ridicule. We must not forget that the name will accompany our son throughout his life. What today may seem original and "cool" in 10 years may seem foolish.

Of course, everyone has the right to give their child the name they like best, whether unusual or super popular. The main thing, I think, is to make the decision with common sense, not to get carried away by fashion and to be convinced that the chosen name, which we will pronounce millions of times throughout our lives, is the most appropriate.