Snoring during pregnancy

One of the physical changes that we can notice during pregnancy are snoring at bedtime. Although we have never snored, it is possible that, above all at the end of pregnancy, let's start snoring at night.

We don't have to worry, since between 25% and 30% of all pregnant women snore at some time during their pregnancies, particularly during the second and third trimesters.

Why do we snore during pregnancy?

Snoring arises when the airways become clogged, making it impossible for us to breathe properly. During pregnancy, nasal congestion (often accompanied by nosebleeds), is a common ailment: you usually have a feeling of plugging and difficulty breathing through your nose, without getting a cold.

This congestion is probably due to high estrogen levels and increased blood flow to the mucous membranes of the nose that causes them to soften and swell: pregnant women have 30% to 50% more blood circulation in your body than you normally should have.

In addition, it seems that during pregnancy the woman's airways narrow. As you gain weight during pregnancy, some fat is stored around the throat and neck, which causes the airways to narrow.

As a result of all this, we are likely to make unusual sounds every time we breathe while we sleep. Hopefully, the sounds will be quite soft. If snoring is loud and annoying, it could interfere with the adequate rest of the woman.

This particular difficulty in breathing or congestion can be aggravated by the unusual postures we adopt to sleep more comfortably in the final stage of pregnancy.

Who are more likely to snore during pregnancy?

As we have pointed out, a high percentage of women will suffer mild or severe snoring at some time during their pregnancy. However, there appear to be certain factors that could reach increase the risk of snoring during pregnancy:

  • Excessive weight gain during pregnancy. With this weight gain comes increasing pressure on the diaphragm, causing breathing restrictions for many women.
  • Having obesity during pregnancy.
  • Having a very long neck (women who snore tend to have a centimeter longer neck than women who do not snore).
  • Suffer from hypertension or preeclampsia.
  • Suffer from maternal asthma.
  • Previously snoring women, who will surely see the frequency and intensity of snoring increased.

Snoring and sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a respiratory disorder closely related to snoring, which causes the airways close completely while he sleeps. This fact makes it impossible for the lungs to breathe oxygen, causing us to wake up.

If we notice these symptoms, we must go to the specialist doctor to correctly diagnose the problem and, if necessary, start the appropriate treatment. In the long term, sleep apnea could affect our energy level and could deprive the baby of the much needed oxygen. In addition, there is evidence that relates apnea during pregnancy with diabetes and hypertension.

Can the baby resent it?

There are studies that indicate that there could be a delay in fetal growth if the mother snores, although with other associated symptoms such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity or sleep apnea. That is why it is important to go to the specialist in these cases.

Fortunately, snoring during pregnancy They are a temporary fact that will remit after giving birth. We only have to worry and see a doctor if snoring is associated with other health problems, such as apnea, preeclampsia, hypertension or obesity.

Video: Snoring During Pregnancy (July 2024).