Apple cocktail with mint. Recipe for pregnant women

In our eagerness to combat this heat that is attacking us all and, especially pregnant women, we are looking for recipes as nutritious, refreshing and tasty as possible. This does not mean that they are difficult to elaborate, much less. A sample of this is this recipe from Mint Apple Cocktail.

This is the First of a series of juices and cocktails, which we can take at any time.

It gives us vitamins A, C, calcium, potassium, fiber and antioxidants among other things.

The ingredients

1 apple, 1 small lemon, 12 grapes, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 mint leaves.

The preparation

Peel the apple, and chop the pulp. We remove the seeds from the grapes, we put everything in the crushing glass and add the lemon juice, sugar and mint leaves clean.

We crush everything and leave it very fine, test and rectify sugar if necessary

Preparation time | 10 minutes Difficulty | Easy


If we want to take it on the terrace at night, we can serve it for example in a large glass, so in addition to drinking something healthy, it will look glamorous.

It is convenient that it is consumed quickly, to avoid the leakage of vitamins, but as we would rather rather cool, we will keep the ingredients in the refrigerator until the time of use, we can also add some ice cubes at the time of serving.

And if we prefer we can substitute sugar for honey.

Video: Drinking LEMON Water During PREGNANCY CAN Relieve MORNING SICKNESS and NAUSEA! (June 2024).