Choking hazard in old Little People dolls

In the photo you can see two models of dolls, the old ones above and the current ones below. The Old Little People dolls, manufactured until 1991, are dangerous for the little ones because they can present choking hazard In children under three years.

While these dolls have been discontinued nine years ago, which have been replaced by a safer version of a larger size, the death of a ten-month-old boy recently in Canada has made Fisher Price, the brand that Market the dolls, will issue a warning about your risk.

Now a model of greater proportions is sold, the circular base is a centimeter larger than the old version to avoid precisely the risk that a child could swallow it and drown.

The old version was manufactured from 1965 to 1991, because some will be known only now but the Little People have turned 50.

Although it is unlikely that our children have these dolls because they are under nine years old, it is important to warn about the risk as old versions of second hand could be sold, or the same could a child inherit the toys of some older friend.

Likewise, if someone is dedicated to collecting these dolls, they know that they must be out of the reach of small children because their small size could cause an unfortunate accident.

We must clarify that there is no risk in the current dolls (in fact at home we have three of them) because its circular base measures 3 centimeters and the upper part somewhat more so it is impossible for a child to swallow it.

Incidentally, in addition to more secure, the current ones are much nicer than the old ones.

Video: Fisher Price Little People Children's HOSPITAL Play Family vintage thrift store find Unboxalot 220 (July 2024).