What will my son be like? Morph thing

We continue with our tour of different sites that help us "know" the baby before it is born. To know what will our baby look like, we can try Morph Thing.

In Morph Thing we have many photos of celebrities to be able to make combinations, and choose between "Morph" or "Morph child". It is this second option that we will have to follow to know what the baby will be like. We can choose from Obama, Brad Pitt, Jennifer Lopez or Marilyn Monroe to fictional characters like Gollum or Chewbacca. The combinations are very curious.

To know what your son looks like, you just have to upload a photo of the face of dad and another of mom. The system will indicate the steps to follow: we must mark different points on the faces to define, first the facial oval (we must try to make it a large image, in good resolution) and then the features.

We will have to mark different points in the eyes, eyebrows, nose, chin ... and the images are already prepared to make the mixtures.

Once we have uploaded the two photographs we can click on "Morph child" and select from which ethnicity are the parents to see in the result of the transformation photography of the future baby.

We remember others resources to know the baby's appearance, even if roughly. Like Face Research, another free tool, or Make-my-baby !, that worked by subscription via mobile phone.

Other places where you can also do the fun experiments for free are Make me Babies, and find out if it will have the eyes of mom, dad or what grandfather: what color will (probably) be his eyes ?.

Undoubtedly a fun tool, in which we can do many tests, with our own photos, combining with photos of celebrities ... Just do not think that they will hit the spot, because for the same parents the children can be very different. Let's think about those brothers who don't look anything like each other.

But if you're curious to get an idea of what will the baby look like, you can enter your photos in Morph Thing and go experimenting.

Official Site | MorphThing-What will my baby look like In Babies and more | Who will my baby look like? Children who look like their dogs, A definite genetic inheritance

Video: - Sehr lustige Seite! What will your baby look likeMorph Celebrities (July 2024).