Arrive to childbirth without knowing the sex of the baby?

With the technological advances of the ultrasound scanners and even with the possibility of doing a blood test near the 8th week of gestation, the sex of the babies has ceased to be unknown for parents who expect a child.

By the fourth or fifth month, most mothers and fathers already know if what they expect is a girl or a boy and it is very common for people around them to ask: "Do you know what it is?"

The most common, as I say, is that parents want to know as soon as possible if they will buy girl's or boy's clothes, if they will paint the room of one or another color and even the name they will use of the chosen ones. But nevertheless, There are some parents, more patients, who choose to arrive at the time of delivery without knowing the sex of the baby.

Berta's mom

Berta is a classmate of my son Jon, and her mother is pregnant waiting for her third son (or daughter). One day we asked him if he already knew sex and he replied: "No, we don't want to know".

I found something strange, although exciting at the same time, and I remembered that when my wife suggested something similar to our second child I had to refuse, because I don't know if I could bear the uncertainty.

The gynecologist who was always right

So that you can imagine how the doubt of the sex of the future baby was solved in the past, I will explain a curious anecdote of a gynecologist that my parents attended in some of the prenatal visits.

According to what he observed during the visit, he told the parents the sex: “he is a boy” or “he is a girl”, and when he sat down to write the visit made in the history, he noted the opposite of what he said.

Thus, when the parents came to the control visit after giving birth and told him that he was wrong, he defended himself with an “impossible… if I left him here in history. Do you see? So I was always right (Although imagine the face of the parents, who had prepared the birth thinking of a son with a sex contrary to the one he actually had).

Would you do it Have you done it?

I was not able in the second pregnancy to wait until the moment of birth to know if a boy or girl was coming, however, after talking with Berta's mother, I would not mind doing so in case of expecting a third child and, in fact , right now, it would seem even fun and exciting.

And you, Have you waited until that moment? Would you do it with the next one?

Video: THE BIRTH VIDEO (July 2024).