Who has a worse time with the entrance to the school?

These days we have been talking about a fact that, for many parents and children, we have to live for the first time. The first day of school is not usually a good drink for first timers, but not only for children, but also for parents. You just have to relive the picture of the first day of your children's school.

My oldest daughter, yesterday, went to school with good spirits and eagerness. She did not know very well what that school was, but we have been talking about the school and "preparing it" so she knew what she was going to find. Other children to play with and talk to, in an environment full of toys, paintings and very colorful, with a teacher, whom she has already met, who would help her with whatever she needed.

Let's say that, for her, entering school has been something like going to a park or a special party, without the daddies, who would accompany her and pick her up at the door.

Yesterday I went very happy to school, with her new bag and her special lunch. But when he saw the panorama at the door of the school, I immediately realized that something changed on his face. The usual light and smile went out, because many children were crying. How was it possible that when going to a place as expected as the school, children cry?

That seemed to ask me with my eyes, looking for me in the tangle of moms and dads when they were in line. And although I talked to her and encouraged her, telling her that I was going to have a good time, I think she noticed that my smile was not very encouraging either. Rather somewhat forced, I would say.

Because here comes the second part of the comparison, and I can assure you that with the entrance to the school many parents have a worse time than their children. Curiously, it seemed to me that the parents of the calmest children were those who suffered the most from entering school. And as far as I know, fundamentally "first timers" like me.

The truth is that I did not want to see me cry and it was an incredible cluster of sensations, a gigantic step for my girl, new schedules, new friends, a few hours that we will no longer be together, her confusion ... A small separation.

I know it sounds exaggerated, but I think it's something similar to what parents feel when the children get married. A mixture of happiness and sadness because we think they will be fine and that it is a new step in their life that will bring them many good things, that will make them evolve, but they "have flown" from the nest. Anyway, I will leave the concern for the marriage of my daughters for later ...

For now, what has become clear to me is that it is not always the children who have the worst time with the entrance to the school, as much as it involves an intense change in your daily life. The tears of some moms and dads leaving their children in this new stage of their life attest to that. And picking them up. But that is another story…

Video: Students That Had The WORST DAY At School! (July 2024).