A nursery in Paris will put chips to the children to control them

A nursery school in Paris has decided to put a chip in children's clothes to control where they are at all times and as a security measure in case anyone leaves the premises, since in that case an alert is activated.

The news has generated some stir, since it is a novel system that does not cease to imply some controversy.

The City Council, on the one hand, has disqualified this measure for imposing a policy of absolute control on children. Some parents, on the other, have opposed their children carrying chips, for fear that the direct consequence of controlling them through electronic elements is to stop doing so with human resources.

In other words, it is suspected that the nursery intends to save money in personnel, since with the chip the human eye that controls the movements of children is not so necessary to know where they are going.

Those responsible for the nursery, however, explain that it is a radio frequency chip that acts like a GPS, that its use is intended to be another element of security and that the intention is not to replace personnel by an electronic device, since they have a professional for every eight children.

I don't know what you think of these inventions. Personally, they don't just give me too much grace, first because of the excess of control they suppose and second because, considering that it is a nursery, where the doors are closed and where children tend to have a hard time "escaping", put a Chip the children would give me even distrust: little they have to keep an eye on them if they need chips to raise an alarm in case a child comes out.

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