Dads and moms (LV) blogs

Today, as every week, we review the most interesting thing that has been read this last week in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We start with Of pacifiers and drool, where Albertina tells us that a year ago she had an amniocentesis, narrating the moment in great detail explaining why and how she felt about this test.

In Mom cow, Lady He has written a curious, revealing and inciting entry to the debate that asks if we are expendable, referring to mothers in the process of raising and educating a child.

In the already known Go through the mirror We have been able to read a very interesting entry entitled the school of the present in which the psychologist Violeta Alcocer gives her vision about the current school and how it resembles that of our childhood, with everything that this implies for the education of our children , who live in a world that has changed a lot since then.

In Of my motherhood and other demonsMyriam has explained to us 10 things he has learned from his children, which is a kind of chain entry supported by several fathers and mothers blogs in which each mother or father explains their ten things learned.

In I like being a mom we have read a funny entry written by recent mom in which he explains what it is like to go for a walk with two Chiquininis that, as you can imagine, is a real show.

In The stories of dad Wolf we have been able to read that the angina (mouth) of Papalobo, which explains something so everyday for many parents with their usual humor and sarcasm, avoiding that we can stop reading what you have to tell us.

In I grow up the dwarves, recent mother speaks to us on this occasion of permissiveness asking who of the two, if the father or the mother, is more permissive, reaching the conclusion that sometimes it is the woman and sometimes the man.

In We have boobsIleana tells us about a curious fact that breaks a long-established myth: low-income families breastfeed less, and I say curious because logic should show that where there are less economic resources, mothers opt for the cheapest solution, That is breastfeeding.

To finish, in Sonia and the road to the conscious mother, Sonia G He tells us his reflection on how children are treated in a large warehouse like IKEA, of Swedish origin, when observing that there are adapted and suitable spaces for children, turning something as simple as a furniture shopping center into a place where Children can have a good time at the entrance Citizens first.

I take this opportunity to remind you that if you have any Blog in which you talk about your children or things related to motherhood and babies, you can tell us in the comments for us to read and comment on.