Texas proposes that the heart of the fetus be heard before aborting

Women who make the decision to abort can do so for very different reasons, from malformations of the fetus or unwanted pregnancies as a result of rape to other less impactful circumstances but also make the pregnancy unwanted.

In most cases, the termination of pregnancy is a traumatic event, which does not take away so that the woman who suffers it must be fully informed of what the procedure will be and all that it implies. But, What is the point of the woman listening to the heart of the embryo or the fetus?

The governor of Texas, Rick Perry, has on his table the decision to enact a bill passed by the state Congress that requires women who are going to abort to undergo ultrasound and listen to the heart of the fetus 24 hours before the procedure.

Of course, such a decision has revived the debate in society, and many associations have announced demonstrations against the measure, which does not admit exceptions either for doctors who do not want to apply it (their license will be withdrawn) or for the reasons for the abortion.

Even women who have suffered a violation would be forced to listen to the heartbeat. Would this also be the case when it is known that the fetus would not survive at birth? I think the least sadistic.

The cynicism with which the author of the bill, Republican Sid Miller, explained what women who do not want to hear the heartbeat should do seems pity to me: if women who are going to abort do not want to see the results of “ sonogram ”can look the other way or use headphones to avoid hearing the heartbeat.

I do not believe that women who decide to abort are not aware that there is a life developing inside. I think the fact that they listen to the heart that advocates the state of Texas does not obey an informative eagerness (this can be done in many other ways) but of coercion, which on the other hand seems to me of doubtful "effectiveness".

I do not believe that the sector of society that is against this media is, as has been said from the other side, because they are afraid of the effect that listening to the heart may have on the decision to "kill" the fetus (a "murder ", By the way, that would carry the death penalty in Texas).

I think that the opposition rather derives from the fact that it is an interference in the informed decision that most women make, without stopping to think that it is not a dish of good taste, that they suffer and that it can have psychological consequences for these women .

The majority of women who decide to abort are convinced of this, and although the reasons as we say can be very varied and some will consider that all, some or none are valid, measures like this (same as some economic aid measures that we have commented) they will not contribute to lower abortion figures.

That other educational, planning, informational measures be taken, but that Texas propose that women listen to the heart of the embryo or fetus before aborting I don't think it's a wise measure to stop abortion. What will be next, force to see abortion live on a big screen?

Video: 31 Days, 31 Ways: Doctors Required to Describe Sonogram to Women Seeking Abortions (May 2024).