Dads and moms blogs (LXVII)

Today, as every week, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We start with the blog Stories of a prince and four princesses, where Cartafol explains to us what the elections mean to her, which is the same as it meant for her parents and the same thing that she tries to instill in her children, in the entry entitled “Our Election Day”.

In Lowercase, Myriam explains in a beautiful post why she breastfeeds, alluding to recent studies that say breast milk makes children behave better, have a higher IQ, etc. and that we especially liked because in the end, the argument that most often moves women to breastfeed for a long time is something like a “because I like it and I feel good doing it”.

In Breed against, Violeta has brought us more than an interesting reflection about raising children. In its entry Breed to domesticate defends a different education, which more than limit and bend help promote values ​​by applying a discipline more positive than what is commonly used.

In The trunk of my house, Adriana has made a reflection about the language used in relation to childbirth, similar to what we did in Babies and more when we talk about the concepts of “natural birth”, “vaginal birth” or even “normal birth”.

In Pampering and tit, Nohemí has ​​brought us a new concept, that of the mother girls, who would become those girls, then girls, not yet mothers, who have an instinct of protection and such a connection with children that they could almost be considered mothers, without being yet. Something like those girls who already know that someday they will be mothers and that, in fact, they want to be.

In I grow up the dwarves, Recent Mother has explained how the creation of a blog by some parents, with major or minor problems, with children with some difference or pathology ends up serving as an engine of illusion or as an instrument of therapy for them.

In Diary of a frikimami, Geek mommy has welcomed (or misunderstood) the rule, which has made an appearance these days and that was apparently the last obvious "symptom" of pregnancy. All this explained in a pleasant way and with a lot of sense of humor.

In I mother (I'm more than a mom) Estanjana has told us about Estanjanito and has told us a few anecdotes of his, especially funny now that his language is not too developed.

Finally, we recommend again the Special on Road Education for children who are doing in the blog Safe Circle. This week they offer us the second part of the tips to walk with the children in the street safely.

I take this opportunity to remind you that if you have any Blog in which you talk about your children or things related to motherhood and babies, you can tell us in the comments for us to read and comment on.

Video: Roman Numerals 10-30 (May 2024).