How to make children understand when there are problems in the family economy?

The current crisis has entered the home of many families who are not having a good time. The little ones do not understand this situation in the same way as adults, but they are very sensitive to changes and notice that something is happening. How can we make children understand when there are problems in the family economy?

They may feel disoriented. They don't understand why there are things they used to do and now they can't do. A little gift every so often, a family outing, the beach holidays that they enjoyed so much and that now they cannot afford

As parents, we should try to make this new situation do not affect them or do as little as possible.

Children have no idea of ​​money and how it is achieved. As they grow we are explaining but especially the little ones, they believe that we live “from the air” or as my average daughter said that money is bought ("Mom, if you don't have money, then buy more").

Nowadays, to a greater or lesser extent, almost all families tighten their belts and this implies reducing mainly the expenses that were destined to leisure and family entertainment.

Children are inevitably affected, but for them to be as little affected as possible, it is necessary to have educated them in humility and not in superfluous consumerism.

In these situations it is important to maintain the family union to face adversities, explain the situation from affection and sensitivity, and seek everyone's collaboration to overcome the situation.

Have you been through a similar situation?

Video: What is the most important influence on child development. Tom Weisner. TEDxUCLA (July 2024).