What our houses (and cars) change when children arrive

Lately we are very interested in the ads that are set in families, and how could it be otherwise, the automobile sector is one of the most frequent in this area. In fact, when the family grows we start looking at bigger cars, and in the blog we are doing a family car analysis for when the needs change.

But not only cars change, and I liked this ad because it shows us the evolution of our homes when children arrive. Those floors that mysteriously diminish, that happen to be maintained in the minimum order necessary for survival when they were formerly an example of organization and cleaning ... Design furniture no longer matters: toys, high chairs, safety guards ... are the important thing .

Although, everything has to be said, in the ad the house is still huge, the furniture and decoration, even the children's one, is still up to date and everything is kept quite tidy ... An advertisement house, come on.

We also see how mom's bag changes, from that chic designer bag to a large changing bag with everything you need for the baby (I still bet on not getting rid of my own bags !; the big ones, yes).

The impolute refrigerator begins to fill with ultrasound, photos, the first scribbles and drawings that children make. The reducing seats reach the bathroom and everything is adorned with colorful animal figurines.

Of course, in the car there are also changes, although the space remains the same, a good car to go wide if you do not have children and fill when the family grows, without having to change cars. What happens is that when we don't have children we don't usually think about these things when it comes to buying a car ... (and if not, let them tell me).

The parents' skis are still taking place, to which some small skis are added for the child, and of course the child restraint system, the trunk, all the compartments full of toys and drinks, and the DVDs working to entertain To the little passengers.

Anyway, an ad that shows as an anime time-lapse what our houses and cars change when we have children, and in which no doubt many of us are reflected. By the way, maybe I love the spot too because it sounds like a version of "99 red balloons", one of my favorite songs.

Video | Youtube On Babies and more | The parents behind the wheel are fashionable I and (II), Comparison of MPVs, "Enjoy life more" without children, When you start looking at the comparison of MPVs

Video: Grown Ups - I Hope That Car Never Gets Fixed Scene 410. Movieclips (July 2024).