Three iPad apps for kids to learn English

The iPad is that strange device that nobody knows very well how to describe in terms of possibilities of use and whose closest definition, in my view, would be what it says is a "portable multimedia center." You can see photos, videos, listen to music, use various programs, games and also learn.

The facet of learning is one of the most exploited on the iPad, because there are many educational programs and many games also aimed at children, which have already proven to be authentic beasts in the domain of said apparatus. In the meantime, there are some educational programs aimed at helping children learn English, that language that few Spanish people know and that makes communication possible when you leave the country.

For this reason, and for many others, there are many parents who are interested in having their children begin to use English from a very young age. There are many ways to bring English to children, and the iPad, logically, is not far behind. That's why we will see today three applications that can help our children learn English.

Splingo's Language Universe

It is a game for English-speaking children (better if they already know the language a little), whose objective is to know names, verbs, adjectives and prepositions by teaching them where to place each word to form English phrases. Obviously this is done through games.

It has a price of € 2.39 and you can know more about this application in the iTunes application store. Then I leave you with a video of the game running:

EF English First High Flyers Vocab Game for Learning English

This it's a free game whose goal is to help children acquire vocabulary. Children have to learn the words and know how they are written and how they are pronounced. The game takes into account the successes and failures and as the child progresses they are presented with those words that in previous moments did not know how to succeed.

The visual aesthetic is very nice and, as it is free, we can try it without compromise. You can find it on iTunes, to know more about it.

Kids Learn Sight Words

It is a game whose objective is that children learn words, know how to pronounce them, write them, place them within a sentence and know them in different situations. The game is divided into different units. In this one in particular you have from 1 to 25, for € 1.59, the price of packs 26-50, 51-75 and 76-100.

The game It has been created with the help of expert teachers in reading, although this begins to be common in most games and toys (you know, the typical slogan that says it has been supervised by professionals of the subject or similar). Obviously it is a positive thing, because we have a product with a certain quality guarantee, but as in the majority there is a professional, rarely a game will be special for it.

If you want to try the game before buying it, there is a free version with the first 5 lessons. To access the full version with lessons 1 to 25, again take a walk through iTunes.

Learning possibilities

As it is usually said: "miracles, above", that is, Learning English, as we have said on several occasions, is achieved by soaking up the language, studying it for a while every day, listening to it for how many more places better and, if possible, living immersed in the language, with someone who can correct and respond to you.

These applications of iPad, watching television in English, bilingual toys, etc., are a good support material, a help. It's not bad that we use them, but let's face it, they need a lot more to learn English.

If our children are already learning English with a native teacher or are in contact with English speakers, iPad applications will do very well to continue learning and reinforce content.

If that is not the case, It will help you to know some words, pronunciation and to listen to some of the most practical language that exists. Learning, as I say, will not learn much, but "less gives a stone", which is also often said.

Video: Learning Time with Timmy Pack - Apps for kids to learn English (May 2024).