Baby Papers, process management for the birth of the baby

When the baby is born, in addition to caring for the newborn, which is the beautiful part, it is necessary to carry out a series of administrative procedures, which is the least pleasant part. To avoid the cumbersome procedures and to be able to devote yourself completely to the care of the baby there are solutions such as Baby Papers, a company dedicated to the management of procedures for the birth of the baby.

They are responsible for the mandatory procedures that must be done in the days following the birth of the baby such as registration in the Civil Registry, registration, registration in Social Security, and discharge for maternity and paternity, among others.

When the baby is born, they take care of collecting all necessary data and documents at home or in maternity, including an authorization signed by the parents to be able to act as legal representatives.

For a closed price (119 euros VAT included) they carry out a package of nine complete procedures, except in the case that the parents must personally take care of the registration in the Civil Registry, which carry out the remaining procedures for 89 euros. Once finished, they are delivered at home personally or by courier.

I find it a very interesting service for recent parents, and even a great idea as a birth gift. Without a doubt, it is a much more practical detail than a bouquet of flowers or a basket.

With Baby papers Parents care about paperwork to focus on what is really important, the newborn.