A study reveals that 98% of young Spanish people do not feed correctly or do physical activity.

The Alicia Foundation, dedicated to researching food, together with Kraft Foods Foundation, they have carried out a study among 14 and 15 year old students about their eating habits for seven days, they have also carried out a physical activity survey.

The investigation has revealed that spanish teenagers, suspend in their diet and in the time they devote to physical activity. The program was developed in 92 schools and evidences several of its pending subjects: the consumption of fruits, vegetables, dairy products and fish.

This is evident in the first phase of this study, which has evaluated the eating habits and physical activity of 2,516 students from almost one hundred schools throughout Spain. The data that have been obtained indicate that our teenagers, they don't have a balanced diet.

The results they are the following: more than 98% of the students have a fruit and vegetable consumption lower than the daily recommendations and 23% never consume legumes. 78% do not reach the consumption recommendations, from two to three rations of daily dairy and 40% consume at most one daily ration. Fish consumption is lower, in 68% of cases and almost 20% ensures that you do not eat it all week, nor do eggs.

There is a moderate consumption of sodas and sugary drinks, pastries and pastry in less than half of the students, but also a deep-fried intake that is within the recommended, since they appear in their diet an average of three times per week. Another positive fact is that Almost 80% of the kids have breakfast every day before going to school.

The analyzes expose, a lack of generalized physical activity. Less than half of the respondents conform to the recommendations of the WHO and only 30% spend significant physical activity on weekends, such as hiking, biking or playing soccer, basketball or swimming.

The head of the department of health and eating habits of the Alicia Foundation and a doctor in dietetics and human nutrition, Elena RouraHe stressed that these results highlight the need to raise awareness and promote healthy habits among young Spaniards, an objective with which they have launched the TAS program and that according to Dr. Roura, will be key to improving this situation that Students become involved and responsible in the design of strategies to improve their eating habits and physical activity.

Video: Never Do These Things in Foreign Countries (July 2024).