Children's self-expression: strengthening their abilities

The ability to express one's own individuality, desires and opinions, without fear of being judged or rejected for it, is essential for the healthy emotional development of children and is the basis of good self-esteem. Now, and within our Maternity and Paternity Course, we are going to offer you more advice on this and especially on how to encourage children's self-expression which is to strengthen their abilities.

We have talked about the possibility of letting them decide on their appearance and their clothes to reinforce that ability to express themselves, but, of course, individuality is much more than personal image.

Spoken words

Children learn to speak but it is not the same to speak as to be able to name, understand and verbalize their feelings. Words and their handling will be the fundamental tool of children's self-expression.

A job that is primarily for parents is to help them shape their thoughts, emotions and desires through internal language and verbal expression, without snatching away when tensions or unpleasant situations exist, but without denying them the right to feel bad or live negative things.

We can help them shape their words, accompanying them in the process, being very communicative ourselves and, without imposing, guiding them to be able to express themselves consciously. And above all, talk to them without judging or pressing them.

The stories, told or read, the stories of our past or early childhood, family anecdotes and history itself or legends are going to help them face new constructions and learn by example.

Talk to them and tell them things, being sincere and close, will help you a lot in your development.

The written words

If children invent stories or stories themselves we can encourage them to write them, first doing it ourselves to his dictation and then proposing that they do it themselves in a notebook or in a blog.

And, as children learn above all by example, it would not hurt us to write the stories we invented, so that they appreciate the written word, its beauty, its ability to give expression to the internal that happens to us and its permanence.

In addition, you can reread them whenever you want and they will love them when they grow up that those stories of their childhood are not lost.When children begin to write and, only if they wish, we can propose that they keep their own diary, since that creative effort and not directed will be part of its own construction and its history as a human being. But I insist, you never have to force them, just propose it, they already force them to write things at school.

Another way to boost your ability to express It is, as they grow and always supervised, to help them find a secure virtual environment where they can communicate in writing with other children with similar interests, be they dinosaurs, zoos, children's computer games, sports or music. They can also create a personal blog where they upload things that interest them.

There is no better momentum for express in writing than wanting to talk to someone about something they both love.

The visual and artistic expression

I propose one thing, leave paint or model to your children without interfering with indications or judgments, without telling them how they should do things and without pointing out whether their work is right or wrong, simply valuing their pleasure in making art and the expression they have found. It is wonderful to see them create and only offer help if they ask for it.

Another idea to promote your ability to express yourself through painting and other visual arts is to teach them how to use a Photo camera and accompany him while photographing his family, his pets, his friends and his environment, again, allowing him to decide what he wishes to photograph.

In addition, with ready-made photos or with magazine clippings of the type he prefers, and adding varied color and textures, propose to make collages and poster that can then decorate the house is another way to build their capacity for self-expression.

Decorate the house with flowers or objects, painting a mural on the wall, pasting posters or photos and even putting shells, mosaics, colored beads and stones glued on a wall can make your whole house be filled with simple and cheerful beauty, representing a living space where children can express themselves.