Cleaning the house with children, mission impossible?

Cleaning is one of the biggest concerns at home when we have young children. It is not about turning the home into a sterile bubble, much less, since some dirt in children could be beneficial, but maintaining hygiene habits necessary for a healthy daily life.

We will talk about some keys to keep cleaning the house with children and prove that it is not a mission Impossible.

Rethink routines

When children arrive, keeping clean at home as we did before is very difficult because they demand a lot of our time and because, logically, they get dirty and messy. Therefore, what we must do is to rethink the cleaning routines at home.

The key is in get organized and know how to take advantage of time, such as cleaning when the baby takes a nap or when the children go to school.

You can make a weekly homework calendar. A resource that works well for me, although you have to know how to be flexible because with children you never know, it is to create an organization chart by areas of the house. For example, Monday: bathroom, Tuesday: lounge, Wednesday: rooms, etc.

Thus, it is done a little every day and the cleaning beating is avoided one day of the weekend. Of course, if the floor or bathroom gets dirty, it is cleaned, even from one day to another.

Safety precautions with young children

Some toxic products such as bleach, ammonia, bath cleaners, furnaces, disinfectants give off vapors and harmful gases, therefore they should not be used in the presence of small children.

Of course, cleaning products should be kept out of reach of children, in high or closed places with obstacles that they cannot open.

The poisoning by domestic toxic products is the second most frequent cause of intoxication in childhood, therefore the safety at the time of keeping them is essential, as well as knowing how to act if by accident the child ingests some cleaning product.

House clean but not sterilized

We are increasingly accustomed to advertising claims such as "total disinfection," "bactericidal power," and that may be fine for an operating room, but it is not necessary to reach such extremes in a home, just have the Neat house, controlling dirt and infection foci.

Humans have always lived with bacteria, and to some extent, that has helped create a strong immune system.

Children can help clean

We can involve children in household chores since they are young, it is important to teach them to collaborate in chores, so that they understand that it is not just about "helping mom", but that it is everyone's business.

At first they will take it as a game, but little by little we can explain how they are done, with patience and trusting that they will do well. From passing a cloth to vacuuming the floor, assigning tasks with increasing responsibility, according to their age and possibilities.

Familiarizing them with housework is something that will help them for the rest of their lives, in addition to making them feel involved and useful as a family member.

Following these tips will help you cleaning the house with children Do not become an impossible mission, but a task that, although sometimes ungrateful, is a necessary gesture to take care of your family's health.