Funny snack recipes for school leaving

As Mireia explained to us last week, many times we tend to give our children anything to snack in order to satisfy the hunger with which they leave school.

We can offer you a little snack when you leave school and then, when you get home, give them a more succulent snack. Today I will propose some fun and healthy snacks for you to offer your children upon leaving school They surely won't refuse.

Of course, you must take your time at home to prepare them, but I assure you that you will have fun and that your children will appreciate it, but, you can always leave everything prepared at home for when you return from school and prepare them with them.

Mini apple pies with apple shapes

To prepare them you can follow this recipe for apple pies or apple pie of our companions from Direct to Palate. You just have to put a little imagination and instead of preparing a large one, with the same recipe, you can make several mini tarts. With the help of a fork, you seal the edges (as with the empanadillas), giving them apple shapes.

We keep them in a fun little box next to a paper napkin and we can take them out of school and offer all the classmates of our children.

Yogurt with homemade blueberry coulis

This is a very good recipe, sweet and at the same time very healthy for children. It has no added sugar and is made with blueberries and nothing else. The only thing you should keep in mind are stains, some of the most complicated to clean. And another thing to keep in mind, prepare extra portions, you elders will love it too.

Ingredients for 5 portions of 100 g 500 g of fresh or frozen blueberries (you can also buy them fresh and freeze them later)

How to prepare blueberry coulis * We wash the fruit well * We put them in a casserole and crush with a fork to release their juice, let them simmer for 10 minutes. We add a little water if the blueberries do not carry enough. * Remove from heat and beat until fine. * We serve with the yogurt To take to school, we can store the yogurt in a glass of these that come with a plastic lid along with the coulis and a wooden spoon.

Oatmeal Banana Cookies

Neither you nor your children can resist this recipe for oatmeal cookies with banana. Apart from being very healthy for its content in oatmeal (one of the most beneficial cereals for our health) and banana (it is also one of the richest fruits that exist), these cookies are delicious.

They have an air between biscuit and biscuit that makes them totally different from any cookie you've ever tried. Here you have the recipe.

Fruit food devoured by a very hungry worm

A fun way to make fruit showy for kids. Make small holes to simulate that it has been eaten by a worm.

You can print or draw a worm, cut it and glue it to a drinking straw to simulate that it was he who has eaten the fruit holes.

Chocolate cookie lollipops with Indian faces

Although in the photo they seem complicated to make, these cookies are quite simple to prepare. We take a couple of cookies and fill them with banana (or whatever we want). We hook the two cookies to the banana with a little melted chocolate (we can put it in a plastic bag so that it acts as a pastry bag by cutting a tip of the bag. We will also use it to draw the faces.

Photos via | Whimscalle detailed, Baby Gourmet Blog, Gourmet Mom on The Go, Snack Pics In Babies and More | Fun snack: apple and cheese caterpillar, The importance of snack

Video: Fun After School Snacks. Tasty Fall Harvest Mix! (July 2024).