Families with High Demand Children already have an online Community

When a family discovers that their child is especially demanding, they may feel overwhelmed, lost or even think that they are doing something wrong, but when they discover that they are not alone and that there are many other babies that require High Demand Parenting They feel much safer. Thinking of them is born the first online community in Spanish of Families with High Demand Children.

Its promoter is Mónica San Martín. He tells us that 5 years ago his daughter was born to turn his life upside down. He was a baby in high demand, but he didn't know that then and the first months were very hard. Until he met the term "high demand babies" and its characteristics.

When he understood, he explains, that his daughter simply had characteristics a little different from the other children, she sighed with relief and felt calmer to meet her special needs. Thinking about the families that are in a similar situation has created this Online Community of Families with High Demand Children.

In Crianza de Alta Demanda we can find a blog with articles and interviews and the possibility of becoming a member of the community where a private forum and exclusive courses are offered for members designed, precisely, for their needs and those of their children.

The price of the community is, for the first month, only 1 euro and then 10 euros per month, which guarantees privacy in the forum and contact with other families with the same experience, in addition to courses and other exclusive content designed for the members of the Online Community of Families with High Demand Children.

Official site | Parenting High Demand In Babies and more | High demand babies: how the term is born, High demand babies: go to the WC with the child in arms, High demand babies: taking the stroller for a walk, High demand babies: taking naps in arms

Video: Crimes against children at residential school: The truth about St. Anne's - The Fifth Estate (July 2024).