When in doubt, take a pregnancy test

There are many queries we receive in the blog about delays and possibilities of pregnancy. The most frequent question among readers who consult us on this subject is "Will I be pregnant?". Well, friends, we would love to know but it is impossible for us to answer that question. The best answer we can give is: When in doubt, take a pregnancy test.

Knowing the test result as soon as possible will allow you to face the new situation if you are pregnant and start taking care of yourself as soon as possible, something very important for the baby's future health. If you have not done so, you should put aside bad habits such as alcohol, drugs and tobacco and start taking vitamins such as folic acid and an iodine supplement, essential for the development of the baby, especially during the first weeks of gestation.

It is not usual to conduct research on these issues, but a recent study published in American Journal of Preventive Medicine analyzes the importance of reducing the risk of knowing a pregnancy late.

A group of women who were not looking for a pregnancy was divided in two, but they also did not put means to avoid it. One was given a pregnancy kit with three test strips and the other nothing.

In six months, the suspicion of pregnancy among women who had received the pregnancy tests happened 2.3 times, while in the control group it was 1.2 times. On the other hand, those who had the tests at home used them 93% of the time when they thought they might be pregnant, but those of the control group did 64% of the time.

Reproductive medicine focuses on the care of the pregnant woman after the pregnancy is confirmed, but the period between conception and recognizing the pregnancy is a variable that can be modified for the benefit of the woman and the future baby.

Conclusion, it is recommended to always have a pregnancy test at hand to get out of doubt as soon as possible against the possibility of pregnancy.

Recall that for a pregnancy test to yield a reliable result, this must be done from the first day of delay, preferably with the first urine of the day, except for the new Clearblue digital test that promises a reliable result even 4 days before the first lack.

Video: Is pregnancy possible with delayed periods with negative pregnancy tests? - Dr. Teena S Thomas (June 2024).