The right of all children without families to be adopted

Do children with intellectual disabilities have less rights? Are they not precisely those who need the most attention? Well, despite this, these children are usually excluded from adoption processes, a phenomenon that could be put to a halt.

The International Reference Center for the Rights of Children Deprived of Family (SSI / CIR), which defends cooperation in intercountry adoptions, also intends help children with disabilities find a family.

Through the evaluation work carried out by this organization, it has often been detected that there are groups of children for whom adoption (whether national or international) was not considered an option.

It is sad to know that in many countries there are children for whom life plans are not prepared, but for reasons that have nothing to do with the effective capacity of these children to benefit from adoption.

The main problem lies in the lack of professionalism, training or knowledge: when those who take care of children in institutions are "nannies" (caregivers), it is often they who decide whether or not a child can be proposed for adoption.

Normally they make this decision based on the emotional, which means that it will only be presented to children who are healthy, when those employees think that potential adopters will not accept a child with a deficiency, or that is not "perfect."

That is why the SSI decided to launch a project to improve compression on adoption in the countries of origin, where this concept still needs to be better implemented. A cooperation agreement was signed with the French NGO Doctors of the World, for the medical aspects of the project.

On many occasions there are administrative, cultural and legal obstacles to the adoption of children with some type of disability or illness, which is why the work of organizations such as SSI is so important.

We hope that this project is just why any child has the right to have a family I am succeeding. At the moment, it works in the first pilot countries: Vietnam and Azerbaijan, and as a complement two guides will be developed: one for the countries of origin and one for the recipient countries.

Video: Top 10 Kids Reactions To Being Adopted (July 2024).