The best tips for pregnant women of 2012

There are few days left until 2012 ends and it is time to take stock of the contents we have published this year in Babies and more. We want to rescue the most interesting articles of each subject.

First, we will deal with women who are waiting for a baby, for whom we have made a compilation of the best tips for pregnant women of 2012.

Sex in pregnancy: the 10 most frequently asked questions

Sex is one of the biggest concerns of the couple in pregnancy. Does it harm the baby? Does it decrease desire? What are the best positions? All the answers to those questions and many others in this post.

How to do perineal massage to reduce the risk of tearing and episiotomy

A simple and safe technique that you can practice at home in the last weeks of pregnancy. Improves the elasticity of the perinea areal, which helps reduce the risk of tears and the possibility of having an episiotomy during labor.

Fifteen tips to control dizziness and nausea during pregnancy

Suffering from dizziness and nausea is one of the most frequent discomforts at the beginning of pregnancy, in some cases for longer. Follow these recommendations we have given to keep them at bay.

The risk of abortion in the first weeks of pregnancy

One of the concerns that comes along with the news of pregnancy is the fear of suffer a miscarriage. Precautions you can take to reduce the risk.

How to avoid stress in pregnancy?

Follow these tips to achieve a healthy and happy pregnancy. Caring for the body, mind and having adequate rest are the key to achieving it. Keep away the stress of your life.

What are the most appropriate exercises during pregnancy?

Exercise is a source of health in pregnancy. It's very important practice some physical activity. We tell you which are the most recommended at each moment of pregnancy.

How to plan pregnancy

It's fundamental take care of yourself since pregnancy is planned. We offer you a decalogue of tips to keep in mind both to achieve conception and to have a healthy and safe pregnancy.

Decalogue of recommendations for good nutrition in pregnancy

The nutrition of the pregnant woman affects the development and health of the baby. Pay attention to everything you need to know to feed you in a healthy and balanced way during pregnancy.

Travel safely during pregnancy

Being waiting for a baby does not mean you should give up travel, if that is what you feel like. Follow these tips from an expert to enjoy the pleasure of traveling, even while pregnant.

Pregnancy weight: how much it is recommended to gain and how to control it

Every woman is special, therefore the recommendations regarding weight gain, too. We tell you the whole truth about him weight gain in pregnancy, What's normal and what is not.

The ten best books on pregnancy and childbirth

Books can open a fantastic world and are life partners, also in pregnancy. Take note of the best readings to live your pregnancy and your birth full of strength and security.

Essential hygiene habits for pregnant women

Hygiene is also health. We tell you everything you need to consider about hygiene habits to get a healthy pregnancy.

Video: Work From Home for Pregnant Women; Great Tips to Work from Home for Pregnant Women (July 2024).