To those women who decide to stop working to take care of children: the experience of being an exclusive mother is worth it!

As we announced two days ago, today is International Women's Day (or Working Women). The ephemeris have the objective of emphasizing specific aspects of social and cultural life, or remembering specific causes that affect different groups, the truth is that in this case, any day of the year is good to celebrate that we are women and we can be mothers, and also to ask that we want to have the same opportunities as men.

In my opinion the distancing of traditional roles has had good things, although we should find a way to recover our feminine essence, and to look for occasions to connect with our childrenIt's hard when we're so busy right? A Clearblue study published this week tells us that one in ten Spanish women affirms that she has considered leaving her job when deciding to have children. They refer (of course) to paid work that we do outside the home, because caring for the family is already an occupation in itself, and should not necessarily be considered a burden, but satisfactorily.

I see it this way (many will think 'what an outdated idea!'): When we take care exclusively of children and the home (not the house), we also take care of the future. On the other hand, when leaving to work, in addition to losing part of the upbringing and education of the children, we may be subject to schedules that we do not want or to the occurrences of our superiors.

But looking at this whole thing in a more global way, I am aware that when working outside the home many women feel fulfilled, in addition any work has a utility for society, and it is good to feel part of the gear. On the other hand, isn't it fortunate today to be able to say 'I have a job'?

How good it would be to be able to choose! true? without any conditioning: I want to dedicate myself to the upbringing and education of my children, I prefer to perform professionally knowing that my partner is with the children, I am lucky to be able to reconcile, I leave my occupations for a few years, and then I rebuke them, etc.

The Clearblue study also talks about the postponement of the decision to have children for professional or study reasons (This has happened to many, including me, and believe me, I find it hard to recognize that I have rationalized a fact as natural as that of reproduction).

Look how curious, when talking about 'biological clock', we refer to the need to be a mother, and we assume as if it were an absolute truth, that 'it does not start ringing' until the woman is not 30 years old. I think it's not true at all, because the fertile age begins much earlier: Nature is wise, and knows the fact that a 24-year-old woman has more energy and health to raise a child, than when she has already turned 35.

But let's not be alarmed, because we have the right to be mothers, even if we realize late, the only thing I intend is to draw attention to this fact, also the children make you draw strength from wherever. Obviously there are advantages and disadvantages of having babies at one age or another, but I am surprised that a third of the women surveyed for the study think that above 45 they can still get pregnant. As we saw recently, late pregnancies carry a number of risks, starting with the difficulty of conceiving, let's think that the body at 40 has been producing eggs for 25 years, and these no longer have the same quality as when you are younger.

Finally, I want to return to that percentage that tells us that one in ten women has thought about leaving their jobor (sometimes because the boss makes a bad face when the pregnancy is announced), and convey that they will not feel out of society if they are dedicated only to children, and also the experience of being an exclusive mother is unmatched, worth!

Video: I don't want children -- stop telling me I'll change my mind. Christen Reighter (July 2024).