International Forest Day: children, take care of the trees

Yesterday was a special day because spring began in half the world and autumn in the other half. Although astronomical spring begins on March 21 for many years, and to unify the member states of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have chosen on March 21 to celebrate International Forest Day.

This date was previously commemorated as the "World Forest Day" and in many schools it was known as "Tree Day". Trees are a very important source of life on our planet, and they are also beautiful. It is sad to see cities with fewer trees (and gardens in general), because it seems that, as with animals, we are getting closer to seeing them in specific limited places.

But trees not only suffer in our environment: desert areas or those in danger of desertification, the danger of deforestation ... are other issues that concern us and should be taken into account when thinking about the future of the world and our children.

Children usually appreciate nature (although they have to be taught as children to not step on plants or tear their leaves, because for them they are another toy) and they are curious about plants and trees. The birth of a vegetable is a magical event for children, and they love to take a fruit that can be eaten directly from the tree.

We may not have a forest nearby, but we can plant seeds with our children (preferably fast growing, so that months do not pass from the moment and they forget them), since it is a simple and very stimulating activity, because children are They feel part of that magic.

This is just an activity we can do today with our children, but we can also just go for a walk in the park or outside looking for contact with nature, water a tree ...

We can also read together a story about the environment, or color a drawing of trees or spring ... And if you want other ideas, you can look at these tips to celebrate the Environment Day with your children.

In short, in this first International Day of Forests, Tree Day, we can try to transmit to our children the love and respect for the nature on which we depend so much and that sometimes seems invisible. There are endless reasons for us to claim nature this and many other dates.

Official Site | FAO Photo | khrawlings on Flickr-CC In Babies and more | Decalogue for children who care for the environment, International Earth Day: children will take care of our planet, The future of the environment

Video: Seeding the Future: International Day of Forests 2019 (July 2024).