Do you think that telepathy between twins exists?

Twin brothers often generate different feelings in other people for a more than obvious reason: they are the same or practically the same. This makes us, when we are little, make us special grace and that, when we are older, they generate some respect or strangeness (perhaps not to everyone), because we are two, to be equal (we do not have anyone exactly like us and it is a feeling or experience that we can hardly understand), for fear of making a mistake when calling them or because, in a way, we believe that there is a special connection between them.

This connection of which I speak includes the belief that many people have that among them exists a telepathic communication which makes one, in a way, understand the other more than anyone else or even feel the same things the other feels. Doubt in this regard, as usually happens when something is hard to prove, is if it will be true that this telepathic communication exists between the twins.

A phenomenon of difficult explanation

I am quite San Pedro, that is, I usually need to see to believe, and for this reason I find it hard to believe that telepathy can exist. Maybe he has done a lot of damage to science fiction, with characters like Charles Xavier of the X-Men (incredible telepath) or the well-known gentlemen Jedi, which make us believe that a person with telepathic abilities should be able to do similar things. The fact is that, today, as I have not seen anyone do something like that, and not even something minor, I am somewhat skeptical.

Now, that you need to see things to believe them does not mean that you deny them, because in the same way that there are people who get a lot of performance out of their brain and others who take very little out of it, it could be that there were people who used some unknown capabilities of it, or latent, or that simply had a greater sensitivity for certain things. To explain it in some more basic way, there are people who have a finer ear than most mortals, or who have a much more developed nose and, similarly, there may be people who have a greater sensitivity in other areas, and the twins, some twins (it is said that only 30% can explain episodes in which a telepathic connection could have existed), could have that greater sensitivity than I speak to feel things that happen to the other.

I know that many of you will be thinking about "of course, since we only use 10% of our brain, it is possible that the twins use some area that others do not use and that is why they have telepathy." Well, it would be very easy to explain it that way, however it is a myth That we only use 10% of our brain, is not true.

Some examples of telepathy

Below I am going to show you some examples of stories in which twin brothers have episodes in which there is telepathic communication. If they will be true or not, I do not know, but that they invite to play with the imagination and that they invite to believe, or at least to say "it could be", I do not deny it.

In We are multiple I have been able to read the following cases:

The 5-month-old babies were sleeping in their cribs in our room. I was trajinando in the kitchen, when suddenly I hear Juan crying desperately. I run up the stairs and break into the room. I see Miguelín lying face down in a state of total immobility. I take it and pat it on the ass. At the moment he returns to himself and begins to cry. Then we all three. From this experience nobody can convince me that telepathy between twins does not exist.
Marisol goes to the pediatrician with her twins, 5 years old. Carlos complains of a pain in his right knee. The pediatrician explores it, but finds nothing. He also decides to explore David, the identical twin brother and discovers that his knee is infected. He prescribes a treatment. The infection is going to David and Carlos the pain.

In Paranormal phenomena (the name does not help to give much truth to the matter, but since we play to open the mind, we assume the risk) you can read these other cases:

While doing his shopping, a Texas man was forced to sit due to a stabbing pain in his chest. He later learned that his twin brother in New York was having a heart attack at the same time.
A young woman had an accident with her bicycle and broke her ankle. His twin sister was inflamed in the same ankle.
One spring day in 2009, at 15 years old, Gemma Houghton was suddenly shaken with the strong feeling that her twin sister Leanne had problems. Gemma ran to the bathroom, where Leanne was taking a bath and found her in the submerged water, unconscious and becoming cyanotic (blue). Leanna is epileptic and had suffered an epileptic seizure in the bathtub. Gemma pulled her sister out of the bathtub, made resuscitation maneuvers and Leanne regained consciousness. As he explained later, he had "the sudden need to see how he was. It was like a voice that told me 'your sister needs you."

Little scientific evidence about it

It is almost impossible to say "yes, telepathy between twins exists, because it is proven" because there is no scientific evidence that can prove it, but only cases like those mentioned. When it comes to telepathy, not to mention brothers, there are no studies that show that there is. So many will think "well, take twins and study with them", however it is very difficult to do it for an obvious reason: telepathy or connection between the brothers seems to be based on moments of crisis.

As you have read in the previous examples, many of the episodes of telepathy happen when one of the brothers is in serious trouble. To make a reliable study of these connections, one of the twins would have to be subjected to a problem or injury that caused the twin brother to also receive such information (or not). As it is evident that such a study is impossible, what we have left are the stories of the twins and their parents, which explain episodes like the ones mentioned.

Tell us then, Do you think that telepathy between twins exists?

Video: Twin-Tuition: A Telepathic Connection? (May 2024).