Dads and moms blogs (CLXXXI)

We are on Tuesday, and you know what that means. It's time to travel in the blogosphere and find out what the different recently published moms and dads blogs that we can meet by cyberspace.

In this section we will share those topics, stories and tips (among many other things) that most caught our attention from other blogs written by parents who have wanted to share it with all users.

We begin our review by visiting Mom's drawer where we can meet the eternal dilemma of many parents: let them cry or not let them cry. Everyone will act as they see fit, but we must not forget that we are talking about babies who need all the security they can be given.

In Aural's space, we can read the author's reflection on a topic that never goes out of style. According to her, the Spanish work leave is the worst enemy of breastfeeding. What do you think?

Since Breastfeeding loving We found news that always makes people happy, and Angela is already with them. From Babies and more we want to congratulate you, that you rest both during these days and tell us how the whole process was.

In A look from the other side we find the end of a trilogy of tips to leave the diaper. This time we met, after talking about books and songs, with a fun game with modeling clay.

To finish, we visited Lowercase where we can find a very interesting topic that is to play, play without stopping. And it is that thanks to playful times it is how children manage to acquire most of their learning in a fun and entertaining way.

And this is all for today in our section of moms and dads blogs. In seven days we will bring you many more stories. Remember that if you have a blog about maternity or paternity you can leave your URL in the comments section of this post and we will go around.

Video: Ponytail Bow. Back-to-School. Cute Girls Hairstyles (July 2024).