Mr. Perez, there goes my tooth

Remember when we dropped a tooth as a child? We left it under the pillow and the next day a little mouse named Pérez had taken it and left us a gift in return.

All this was done by Mr. Pérez in the absolute stealth to not wake anyone and always hoping that the coveted dental piece would remain in place and not already lost. The problem was that you had to wait the next day for the gift, apart from the time you had to wait while the tooth felt like falling.

We will talk about dental detachment systems on another occasion, today we are going to talk about a new system by which we send the tooth and the mouse gives us a gift without waiting. Mr. Perez, there goes my tooth.

Urgent Shipping System for the Little Mouse Perez

Jeff Highsmith He is not a father to use, he does not conform to the typical crafts that our children send to school for us to do, the night before they have to be delivered. It is not enough to make 500-piece puzzles or restore your old bicycle. He prefers to leave the rest of the parents at the height of the bitumen.

I suppose he must have a lot of free time, of course if I start doing it when I finish my children, he would only have to go out of his wisdom teeth. And this man has ridden a hydraulic system to send the tooth directly to Mr. Pérez's house or, where appropriate, To the Tooth Fairy.

Have you seen in large stores the way cash staff have to send money to the central cashier? Well it seems that Mr. Highsmith must be dedicated to installing them, because That is exactly what he has assembled in his house.

The system not only sends the tooth, but is also able to receive the gift almost immediately! And it is 100% functional, all controlled by a mini-computer and a mobile.

I leave you with the video of how it is done because it is worth every minute.

I hope my children do not see that I see myself building one. Mr. Perez, there goes my tooth!

Video: The Other Guys 2010 - Gator the Pimp Scene 410. Movieclips (July 2024).