What is quarantine?

Quarantine is the traditional way in which the postpartum period of the puerperium is known, a stage that lasts between six and eight weeks and that is characterized by the return to normal of all the organic and physiological changes that occurred in pregnancy and childbirth.

The quarantine is defined by the Dictionary of the Royal Academy as "Time of 40 days, months or years." In another of its meanings we have the meaning "Preventive isolation to which people or animals are subjected for a period of time, for sanitary reasons."

But, as we see, neither the quarantine is reduced to forty days nor the woman has to isolate herself. However, the second meaning we have seen has stained the puerperium period of certain myths, in which the woman is not a sick woman, but she is undergoing changes and needs recovery.

And let's not forget that changes in quarantine They are not only physical, but also emotional, and on both sides we will focus on this, because both sides have to be taken into account and understood by both the mother herself and her environment.

Physical changes in the mother during quarantine

Throughout the nine months the uterus has grown considerably, going from about 6.5 centimeters to 32-33 centimeters and increasing from about 60 grams to more than 1000 at the end of pregnancy. The process of uterine involution after childbirth begins after giving birth and occurs throughout the first weeks, returning to its initial state.

This process is accompanied by the postpartum lochia, which are the vaginal secretions in which blood, caseous vernix, cervical mucus and placental tissue are expelled throughout the first four weeks.

At first, uterine involution and expulsion of the lochia They are favored by postpartum contractions or hardships. They are intense and frequent contractions during the first 24 to 48 hours after giving birth (although they last about a week with less intensity). They are a normal process that helps return the uterus to its normal state, in addition to facilitating the sealing of the arterial mouths that remain open after giving birth.

Childbirth traumatizes the bladder and urethra locally, so during the first hours and even days after delivery some women cannot urinate easily and others suffer from loss of sensitivity to the desire to urinate. These situations are corrected spontaneously by yielding local inflammation in 48-72 hours.

At the beginning there may also be constipation in the postpartum and difficulties to defecate if a lavatory has been carried out and if there are hemorrhoids, because in addition the abdominal muscles are distended after giving birth.

On the other hand, other changes appear, especially in the breasts, to allow adequate nutrition of a new baby thanks to breastfeeding. The rise in milk after childbirth occurs between 30 and 72 hours after delivery, causing some discomfort in the mother that, little by little, with the proper establishment of breastfeeding, dissipates.

The breasts increase in size, consistency, temperature and superficial veins can be appreciated. As we know, they will initially secrete colostrum, which gives the baby everything it needs during the first few days, and from the third or fourth day it will start to be a whiter milk.

The nipples can suffer the sucking of the baby, especially if the grip is not correct, so it is common during the puerperium for the mother to suffer cracks (although these can be prevented) or other discomfort. But breastfeeding, although it usually hurts, should not hurt, so in these cases you have to see what causes the pain. Remember to ask professionals for advice on how to grip if the pain persists.

Finally, we must talk about the recovery during quarantine of possible wounds such as episiotomy or caesarean section, which need the relevant cures to avoid painful complications such as infection.

And the mother also has to recover from very frequent significant discomforts such as numbness of the perineum or postpartum hemorrhoids.

All these physical limitations will make us need some help at the beginning of postpartum to perform tasks as simple as getting out of bed to go to the bathroom or putting the baby in the changing table. In addition, all these sequelae of childbirth, along with frequent tiredness and weakness, will cause until the quarantine period has elapsed, sexual intercourse is not normally restarted.

About four or six weeks after giving birth, an appointment is usually made with the gynecologist to perform a check and check that the recovery is being positive. It is time to raise the doubts we have.

A sensitive recovery period

Quarantine is a period in which, together with the physical changes we have just seen, important emotional changes occur. Therefore, recovery must not only be physical but also psychologically we need some time to adapt to the new situation.

We already mentioned some keys to "survive" at home with the baby, and that is a sensitive and difficult stage at times in which we may need help to take care of the baby, the house and where we will need time to Get to know our baby and our new body.

It is likely that we are baffled by the crying of the baby, that we feel him as a stranger, that we think we have no time for anything, that intimacy with the couple is over or that we cannot attend to the older children ... and often forget their own needs

But it is important to remember in this recovery process that body and mind need their time to be fit And that we have our needs. Many mothers feel anxiety and sadness that can result in the most severe cases in postpartum depression, so the environment must be attentive to the signals and help the mother as much as she can.

Tiredness, possible disappointment over how the delivery went, difficulties with breastfeeding, feeling relegated to a secondary role, feeling of incapacity, rejection of the new body, mismatches in the relationship ... are just some of the factors that can revolutionize even more if our mind fits, but they are within the "normal". If the sadness lasts several weeks and affects the relationship or care of the baby, you should consult the specialist.

In short, the work to give birth to our baby has been great and the changes we begin to discover in our lives, even greater. During the quarantine or the puerperium the mother needs to recover and adapt to the new situation, knowing the baby, establishing a bond that will last a lifetime.

Video: What is Quarantine? (July 2024).