Little exposure to the sun during pregnancy, related to learning problems: how to take it safely

During pregnancy, we must ensure that we do not lack certain vitamins and nutrients essential for the healthy development and growth of our baby. One of them is vitamin D, which is responsible for strengthening the bone mass of the baby in formation, and that we can get mostly through sun exposure.

And although during pregnancy we should be more careful with the sun's rays, a recent study found that poor sun exposure during pregnancy was related to learning problems. We tell you what it is about and we give you tips for sunbathing safely.

The study

Made with data from more than 422,000 school-age children in Scotland, it was found that there is a link between sun exposure levels during pregnancy and the presence of learning problems.

According to the study, this happened when throughout the pregnancy, they had low levels of UVB exposure (which have a greater presence during the summer), but not the UVA (present all year, even in the cold season).

In Babies and more Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy could cause language problems in children

Because of this, the researchers They believe this is due to insufficient vitamin D production, since this occurs when the skin is exposed to the sun, and as we have mentioned on previous occasions, it is one of the essential vitamins during pregnancy.

Exposure to Vitamin D during the first trimester of pregnancy is essential for the baby's brain development, according to the researchers, and in their study, it was found that the percentage of children with learning disabilities varied according to the month in which they had been conceived.

For example, 17% of children conceived in July had some learning problem, while in those conceived in February, March and April, when sun exposure was lower, the percentage increased to 21%.

These results coincide with another study carried out some years ago, which also found that certain cognitive problems such as autism spectrum disorders (ASD), intellectual disabilities or learning problems such as dyslexia, they varied according to the month of conception and it was believed it was related precisely to vitamin D levels.

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Although they could not prove a clear relationship between cause and effect, they comment that their research suggests that some learning problems can be prevented, and that more studies are needed to analyze whether taking vitamin D supplements in pregnancy could help reduce the risk of children having learning problems.

Vitamin D insufficiency in pregnancy

This study is not the first one you find a relationship between lack of vitamin D in pregnancy and certain cognitive or health problems Long term in children. For example, a study in Australia found that vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy could cause language problems in children.

Another study that took place in the United States, found that vitamin D deficiency was related to low birth weight. In another investigation, it was found that too low concentrations of vitamin D, increased the possibility that the mother suffered preeclampsia, a complication of pregnancy that it can have serious consequences for mom and baby.

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On the other hand, there are studies that analyze the benefits of this vitamin in pregnancy, as it has been proven that an adequate intake of vitamin DIt helps to improve the bone development of the baby and also, which helps prevent the appearance of tooth decay in children.

With all this background, it is easy to understand why vitamin D is essential during pregnancy, but although we can find it in some foods, these are usually few and the amount they provide is low, so another way to take it is with sun baths, which help the body to produce it naturally.

Sunbathing tips during pregnancy

The sun is something that brings us many benefits, including the production of vitamin D. However, certain measures must be taken to take it safely and protect us from it, especially during pregnancy, since the skin is more sensitive during this stage.

  • Something you should always use is a good sunscreen. But be careful, you must be careful when choosing the right one for you, because not everyone is safe to use during pregnancy. Choose a sunscreen cream free of PABA and with a high protection factor. Apply it half an hour before exposing yourself to the sun and put it back every two hours.
  • Buying a sunscreen with a high factor does not mean that we can sunbathe freely and at all times (this applies not only to pregnancy). Avoid the hours of greatest solar radiation, which are regularly when the sun is highest, between 11:00 and 17:00.
  • In case you should leave during the hours of greatest radiation, take some precautions to cover yourself from the sun, such as wearing a wide-brimmed hat or a long-sleeved shirt.
  • You saw light clothes, choosing fresh and baggy clothes, in materials that are breathable and of natural fibers such as cotton, and in light colors.
  • Hyperthermia or excessive temperature rise can affect the fetus and cause malformations. Remember that during pregnancy the body temperature increases, and consequently you have to be especially careful to avoid a heat stroke, which include not sunbathing excessively (or avoid long baths in very hot waters).
  • Instead of lying on a towel in the sun (also, on your back is not recommended at the end of pregnancy) you can take walks along the seashore, you'll be cooler and walking will help circulation.
  • You don't need to be exposed to the sun for hours, just a few 15 or 20 minutes a day So you start your benefits.
In Babies and more During pregnancy, sunbathe with caution

Sunbathing during pregnancy is a positive thing and from what we have seen, it helps us get the vitamin D necessary for a healthy development of our baby. Enjoy it, but remember to follow these precautions to make it safe to do so.

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Video: Prenatal Development: What Babies Learn Inside the Womb (May 2024).