World Handwashing Day: a life-saving practice

Today is the Hand washing world day which is celebrated for the sixth consecutive year, and was originally created for children and schools, although it can be celebrated by anyone interested in promoting handwashing with soap; or we can simply remember at home the importance of this act as simple as it is effective in preventing acute diarrheal and respiratory infections.

Perhaps our children tell us that it is for us so much, but the truth is that 1400 children under the age of five die every day in the world due to diarrheal diseases that cause lack of drinking water, sanitation and hygiene.

These problems are very far for the kids when we have a sink (sometimes several), drinking water in all the taps of the house, and soap that we rarely waste. But it does not hurt to remember that when we rinse after washing we get rid of some of our little companions (yes, those who come to the hands after touching several surfaces and picking up things from the floor, as many children do). I talk about bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. As I said, this celebration is aimed primarily at schools, and in fact in Spain, the more than 4000 educational centers linked to Enrédate (the educational program of the Spanish Committee of UNICEF), have been working during the day a didactic proposal, to so that students become carriers of a message of hygiene and solidarity.

Each year, more than 200 million people participate in the celebrations in more than 100 countries around the world. Global handwashing is supported by governments, international institutions, civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations, private companies and individuals

Washing your hands saves lives

Handwashing with soap is the most effective and economical way to prevent acute diarrheal and respiratory infections, which end the lives of so many children in developing countries every year. Despite its potential to save lives, handwashing with soap is rarely practiced and difficult to promote. I would like to remember here this beautiful initiative to promote hygiene in Africa.

Handwashing before and after eating, and also after using the bathroomIt would save more lives than any vaccine or medical intervention, reduce diarrhea deaths by half, and those caused by acute respiratory infections by a quarter if it becomes a habit. The problem is when there is no access to drinking water (or when the water supply is scarce), however if these actions are directed at children (usually more enthusiastic and open to new ideas), they can become agents of behavior change in their communities.

Global HandWasing Day (GHD) is the Global initiative that promotes this celebration, its drivers are convinced that "Everyone has the power to improve health by hygiene: it is simply to soak your hands with soap and water, rub them so that foam comes out and rinse them”.

Images | meesh, GHD Source | GHD, UNICEF On Peques and More | World Water Day: 'perhaps within a generation every child can have access to adequate drinking water and sanitation'

Video: Hand Hygiene Heroes Save the Day (July 2024).