Baby Bath Spa: the sleeping twins bath that reproduces life in the womb

Baby bath spa It is a new technique invented by the French Sonia Rochel, a childcare nurse at the Muette Clinic in Paris, which consists of giving a relaxing bath to newborn babies trying to reproduce the life they had inside the womb.

It is impossible not to be tender when you see these newborn twins enjoying the experience so much that they remain asleep while bathing.

The “Thalasso Bain Bébé”, as this technique is known in France, it is the result of many years of observation of the needs of newborns. It is a bath that lasts between 10 and 15 minutes and it is done to babies of a few weeks, usually less than two months of age.

No gels or creams are used. Only water at a pleasant temperature, hands gently rocking and relaxing background music. In the video we see how the water is dropped on the babies face, to increase the feeling of relaxation, leaving nose and mouth out.

Babies do not seem to bother them at all, but quite the opposite, they are very comfortable. In fact, they don't even seem to know they are out of their mother's womb. If we imagine how the last months of pregnancy have passed, it would certainly be the closest thing to what we see in the video. They are used to being next to each other, touching and sharing the same space.

He Baby bath spa Finish with a gentle relaxing massage, provided the baby is willing.

The nurse warns do not reproduce the technique at home, especially because of the risk of water over the nose and mouth. But come on, without placing the tap on the baby's face or doing it in the area of ​​the head and forehead very carefully and always with a very smooth water flow, it can be a very pleasant experience.

Below I leave another video of Sonia Rochel bathing a newborn baby, who also falls asleep in the water. The way to talk to him, to catch him, the caresses, the massages ... He has no waste.

Via | nydailynews On Babies and more | The baby's bath when it's cold

Video: Thalasso Bain Bébé Jumeaux - Twin Baby Bath (July 2024).