What is the biggest deal your children have made you? the question of the week

It is unavoidable. They are only exploring their surroundings, they are only trying to know what they have around, or perhaps they have only decided to throw something very valuable to show their anger because it is what they had most at hand, but there is no child who does not do one or several stunts In his early childhood.

Broken televisions, portable without keys, food scattered everywhere, rolls of toilet paper throughout the house, water everywhere, ... and the list seems never to end, in a succession of traffic jams that at the moment despair us but with Time tear us more than a smile. That's why this week, in the Answers section of Babies and more we ask you:

What is the biggest deal your children have made you?

Last week we asked you: How did you choose the baby's name? to see what you told us about it.

Anamare told us the following:

We, in principle, wanted names that were the same in Spanish and Catalan, and were not "weird." We gave Paula the oldest (by this Paula Montal, a Catalan educator saint, whom I knew for being a teacher). With the second there was a little more dispute, my husband wanted Salva (like grandfather, who is Salvador) I liked Daniel and Rubén ... In the end it was Salva (decided in the paritorio). The third also we immediately agreed Teresa (a name of a lifetime, with a great Sta and in memory of M. Teresa of Calcutta). The fourth, it was hard for us to decide, in principle we liked Marina (but my brothers made a joke with "Marina d'or vacation town"), then I insisted on Maria and my husband in Mireia, in the end we put Àngela (in Valencia). The fifth was also decided at the last minute, partly because if you leave the option to give an opinion before it is born, it can be annoyed with comments ... We have named Joan Pau (by Pope John Paul II), and they are already telling us that two names They are not going to tell you, we are going to feel like carrying someone: Whoever wants to put a name that has a son (or a dog) and who puts the one he likes!

And Biemel told us:

Reading G.R.R Martin's books, we didn't want a Spanish name and from reading "Winter is coming" I thought Winter was a good name.

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it Please do so in the "Answers" section and not responding to this entry. I know that I repeat myself, but if you answer here we can not take them into account for next week.

Video: The Stupidest Names On Earth Normal, Celebrity & Youtube Names (July 2024).