Are you a mother yet? Don't forget physical activity: your child's health will also thank him

Have you had children and relegated the sport to the background? It is clear that there is nothing better than leading by example if we want our children to acquire healthy habits. A study confirms that the children of mothers who practice physical activity are usually more active.

The objective of the research was to analyze the importance of continuing to exercise in adulthood, a practice that many women abandon when they have children, and how this could have an impact on the development of a healthy life for children.

The study was conducted at the Institute of Child Health at the University College of London and bears the title of "Activity Levels in Mothers and Their Preschool Children" ('Levels of activity in mothers and their preschoolers').

Data were collected from 554 four-year-old children and their mothers thanks to devices to track their movements between 14 and 15 hours a day for a week.

It is striking that children were seen to spend between four and five hours sitting or standing (the level of sedentary lifestyle is higher in the morning). But when comparing the data, they saw that the most active mothers also used to have more active children, an especially intense physical activity on weekends.

Now, knowing the factors that influence the relationship between the mother and the child's physical activity can help researchers develop programs to increase activity and improve overall children's health.

And of course, we would also love know what role father has in this sense, since I imagine that the influence on the physical activity of their children will be similar.

In any case, it is clear to us that exercising with the little ones since they are babies not only provides them with a whole world of stimuli but that they will get used to exercising when they grow up and sharing a healthy leisure time with us and new friends.

In short, it is important preserve the practice of exercise after motherhood, and not only for our own health but also for that of our children. So you know: there is no excuse. You can do sports even with the baby and we will be getting used to healthy habits.