Applications to control ovulation and know the fertile days

The best way to know the fertile days to get pregnant is to keep track of the menstrual cycle and certain physical changes that occur throughout the cycle. There is applications for mobile devices that help keep track of ovulation and fertility.

They have in common that they need us to enter the data of our cycle for at least three months (the longer this period, the more reliable the results) so that they can make the "calculation" of when the next period will be and what the fertile days will be .

All applications that help control ovulation and know the fertile days to get pregnant and we list below are free and offer basically the same services. Let's see them.

In Babies and more What are the fertile days to get pregnant
  • Ovuview, an Android application to control the menstrual cycle that allows to predict the period, ovulation and fertility period and also offers information on these topics. By including data such as body temperature as well as cervical mucus to calculate periods of fertility can be considered somewhat more reliable than other simpler ones.

  • Period Tracker Alert (on Google Play), which by pressing a button at the beginning of the period each month calculates the average of the last three menstrual cycles to predict the start date of the next. Indicates days of fertility, ovulation, and current and future periods, moods (can you predict?) And displays the information in a monthly calendar.

  • Women's Calendar (in Google Play, too pink and child design, by the way). Not only does he observe ovulation, the cycle and the fertile period, but it also works for women who control weight or are athletes. We can also note the change in weight, waist, chest, hips, pressure and pulse and make a corresponding diagram.

  • Period Calendar (Google Play Calendar) in which women can mark everything related to the period such as symptoms, sexual intercourse, weight, temperature, use of the pill, introduction of notes ... The application is designed as a diary private access staff.

  • My Days (Apple iTunes), with a discreet design that provides all the menstruation data in a calendar and we can also obtain a graph with our temperature and record the days we have relationships, know how much is missing for the next ovulation ...

  • WomanLog Calendar (on iTunes), to include in the calendar all possible data, also the days on which you have sex and thus plan them if we are looking for pregnancy.

  • Ladytimer available for Android, IOS and Blackberry and also allows online ovulation calendar and as a novelty we can receive an SMS to our phone if we want the application to remind us of some date.

  • Love Cicles (Windows Phone, Google Play), an intuitive menstrual calendar that predicts fertility, with the possibility of including graphics with weight and temperature. As a paste we can say that users would prefer that the calendar start with Monday, not Sunday.

All these applications are free although most contain premium paid version, with some additional utilities (sending periodic reports in pdf format, more possibilities to personalize notices ...) and without advertising.

In Babies and more Ovulation: how to know if I'm ovulating

Are these applications really useful for controlling ovulation?

Fertility applications of this type clarify that the results they show are theoretical and based on the data entered by each user, so they are subject to error.

It is important to note that some of these applications emphasize that they should not be used as contraceptive methods and this is due to that margin of error that could be wide (the worse they are used, the less data is entered ...).

For women with an irregular cycle, this ovulation control will not be very useful, since by definition the regularity needed to establish fertility schedules is not met. In addition, we have to take into account factors that even women with a regular cycle could cause changes in the period.

We remind you some points to consider for know what our fertile days are and even to develop our own fertility calendar:

Photos | Thinkstock On Babies and more | Babies conceived thanks to an iPhone

Video: Medical Information : Calculate Your Ovulation (July 2024).