It is very important that risk groups be detected to receive flu vaccination

The Advisory Committee for Vaccines of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (CAV - AEP) emphasizes the importance of vaccinating children from six months of age against the flu, and adolescents that are at risk or have underlying pathologies.

Last year we saw the risk situations that are taken into account when vaccinating (for all those over six months). Among them metabolic diseases, kidney failure, cancer, or situations that lead to cognitive dysfunction, among others.

In any case, it is understood the importance of detecting population groups - within pediatric patients - that need to be vaccinated. For this, primary or specialized health care professionals must collaborate

The CAV -AEP remembers that this vaccine can be extended to children over six months healthy and not included in the risk groups. "The preventive attitude provides a direct individual protection, also favors indirect family and community protection."

It seems that the highest incidence rates are registered in the population under 15 years of age, and the average hospitalization rate in children under five is one per 1000 healthy children

I think I should remember that according to this review of studies presented in Evidence in Pediatrics, there is little evidence to prove that vaccinating less than two years is effective. That is why it is very interesting, and even necessary that you consult your child's pediatrician, and may he advise you.

The Vaccine Advisory Committee reports that the extension of vaccination of children with risky diseases to healthy ones may be reconsidered in the near future, due to the arrival of new vaccines, and favorable data from new studies and data.

This in terms of vaccination, for my part mention that common sense recommendations In the case of contracting the flu they are calm, that the child stays at home, and call the doctor - if necessary -.

Video: Infectious Diseases A-Z: Flu vaccine reduces a child's risk of death (July 2024).