Men are happier when mom stays at home, says a study

The role of women has changed a lot in recent decades and those times were long gone when it was hoped that her only job was to take care of children, take care of the elderly and take care of the house (and husband, I suppose) . Now the woman works as the man does (just need to do it on equal terms and salary) and child care is shared with couples, as well as the house. I do not say that it is a fact, or that it is so in all households, but the change is substantial with respect to the generation that precedes us.

The fact is that despite this, a study conducted in Australia, where I would say that they are somewhat more modern and advanced than us as a society, reveals that in reality, men are happier when mom stays at home.

Less satisfied in their relationship

The study, which is actually a macro-survey called "The Household, Income and Labor Dynamics in Australia" (HILDA), reveals that men whose partners work, either part-time, full-time, they are less satisfied in their relationships than those whose women stay at home.

As we read in Babyology, Roger Wilkins, one of the authors of the report, suggests that the result is because traditional gender roles are very difficult to extinguish. And it is that many of the men surveyed are, surely, children of mothers who surely spent much more time in the care of the house than their husbands, and as we have said many times, a child is educated, above all, for example what you see at home.

"The cleaning ladies have saved many marriages"

A few years ago a teacher told me this phrase, and I was marked: "The cleaning ladies have saved many marriages". And it is that in those couples where there is a cleaning lady, housework is divided between the man, the woman, and the woman hired to collect, clean and perhaps even iron the clothes. And if this third person is there, the work for the couple is much less and less, therefore, the discussions.

I do not know how you will do it in each house, but I know more than one couple in which the man has refused to clean (because "he did not leave his house, where his mother did everything to go to another where he had to clean ") and, or she has finished doing it for not arguing, or they have ended up hiring a cleaning lady (or perhaps they have ended up separating). Come on there is still at least one generation more so that gender roles are matched even more, not only because of what they can see at home, but because in general the inputs children receive are still quite macho: Or are there no boy toys and girl toys?

So, the mother who stays at home to take care of her children?

Does the mother who stays at home take care of her children? Is it a bad example for them? Well, no. Why would it be? It is a bad example if it is forced by your partner. It is a bad example if in addition to staying with them you have to take care of the whole house, while the husband sits on the couch. It is a bad example if you also take care of him. If instead the man comes home and sleeps up like her, if she enjoys the children dedicating them time and play and from that moment there are no differences, the message that the children receive is that dad and mom do the same, or they could do the same, only that mom has chosen to be home with them.

And if it is because he has no job, then the same thing: because he has no job, that if he did dad and mom are equally responsible for them and the house.

Because we do not confuse, we must not fight for an equality in which the woman who works is well seen and who does not look bad (which seems to be here where the shots are going now, and it is a serious mistake) , but for one in which the woman can decide freely, like man.

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