The rebellion of the two years

Between two and three years children enter a stage of negativism, of being competent and autonomous, capable of facing situations alone. They grumble and protest more, they ignore what we say with which the parents get stressed and ask ourselves: "What will happen to him? If he was a cherub." We should not worry about more, it is the rebellion of the two years , a normal behavior of affirmation of the self.

In these situations, try to be flexible with them, understand the characteristics of this stage of development, but that is why we should not let them do what they want. Parents set the educational guidelines.

Help him to fulfill what they must do, explaining to them why they have to carry it out, praising them when they perform the actions in charge. Try not to interrupt your activities which is when these episodes of rebellion appear more, for example: if you are happily playing in the bathtub, instead of taking it out, tell him: "Bath time is running out" "Do you want a little more time?" , you will surely agree to stay a little longer. After a few minutes, he will leave feeling that he has decided to leave.

Tantrums sometimes become distressing for the child. You should not punish him or say phrases like "you are bad", "if you get that way I don't love you anymore", "you are dumb". By two years children are able to think and remember better, they better relate what they do with what they were told to do. And although parents regulate their behavior, they can also be helped to regulate themselves.

These are some of the guidelines that help them overcome the tantrums stage:

-Avoid punishment. -Repeat what you expect me to do. - Suggest different possibilities of action: "Do you want banana or apple?" -When you ask him to do something, he suggests another activity that is pleasing to the child (for example: we are going to pick up the toys that we will go for a walk later). -It always reinforces positive behaviors (verbally, with a kiss, a caress).

And the most important; You must be patient when you do a tantrum, do not respond with another, show control and calm.

Video: The Jamaica Slave Rebellion (July 2024).