Weaning (II): when it is the son who decides

The definitive weaning, as we talked a few days ago, it is the moment when mother and son (or mother or son) decide to leave breast milk.

Prolonged breastfeeding, despite being recommended by the highest organizations in terms of health, is seen socially as a behavior that generates dependence ("spoiling") or as an amoral act ("by vice").

This perception makes the decision of definitive weaning usually fall on the mother, strongly influenced by the environment and, often, carrying it out at times not suitable, because they are important changes both in the life of the baby and in her own .

However, there are more and more cases in which the mother decides to breastfeed until the moment the child decides to wean.

Natural or spontaneous weaning

If the decision is made by the child, weaning is called "natural or spontaneous weaning" as it is not induced by the mother.

When a child is breastfed according to what ages (I would say that from 12-15 months) both mother and child begin to be part of the population group that does things considered out of the ordinary.

It is not that it is something normal, nor unnatural, but it is something that society is not accustomed to and that it usually generates rejection or confusion.

Many people tend to comment with type phrases: "will continue to suck even in college" or "at this rate will never leave", however it has been seen that they are statements with little meaning.

Anthropological studies in nonhuman primates carried out by K. Dettwyler establish that the age of natural weaning seems to be between two and a half years and seven years.

According to the AEPED the pattern of duration of breastfeeding in humans until less than 100 years ago, and still today in societies not influenced by Western culture, has been 3 to 4 years with variations between the year and 7 or more years.

In the tribe of the Gussi, in Kenya, it is considered an early weaning that occurs before two years.

In short, whether we want it or not, children wean alone sooner or later. Towards 3-4 years, when they begin to be autonomous as people and the real need to start socializing comes to them, it is likely that this is a spontaneous weaning and even that a weaning directed by the mother can be carried out through dialogue and negotiation.

Breastfeeding strikes

Sometimes there are situations in which mothers they think their children are weaning when they really aren't. These are times when children refuse to hold their chest even though their mother offers it.

These moments are called colloquially "breastfeeding strike" and usually occur around 8-10 months, although they may occur at other times.

The cause is unknown. Well, I lie, it's known, but the one who knows it is the only one who isn't able to explain it to us. It may be that it coincides with a time when the mother has stopped paying attention to her (she has started working, has been away or has been distantly busy with other things), with some other important change in her life or she has some kind of discomfort that makes you lose your appetite or the desire to breastfeed (otitis, teething, etc.).

For these cases the recommendation is to continue offering the breast but to do it in moments of calm (and not from hunger), looking for comfort, tranquility and offering a lot of skin to skin contact and a lot of love (more if possible).

In the next few days we will talk about weaning when it is the mother who decides to stop breastfeeding.

Photos | Flickr (msk13), Flickr (blmurch) On Babies and more | Weaning (I): clarifying the concept, Weaning is a vital moment in the baby's life, The natural age of weaning