Did you let your husband go to eat / urinate while you were in labor?

These days the news has appeared in the press (pink) that Miranda Kerr, a professional model mom, did not leave her partner, actor Orlando Bloom, to go to the bathroom so she wouldn't leave her alone while she was in labor.

The actress was no less than 27 hours of childbirth and apparently did not want to be alone for a moment, so the actor ended up using a bottle to empty her bladder.

Knowing this case I have remembered mine, because I urinate, yes I could, but eat, what is said to eat, well not much.

Everything happened in the second childbirth, because in the first, when they told me to “go eat a snack” at 7:30 p.m., everything started to get complicated and when I got to the floor 25 minutes later they told me about that "already, but already" they were going to do a caesarean section to my wife.

With such an antecedent, in the second birth she told me that if she did not eat, neither did I, that she would not leave her alone. In a moment of change of shift with my mother-in-law I managed to reach a vending machine where I took a more than insane chocolate-laden pasta (bad, being a hospital) and a bottle of water. I ate everything like lightning to return to his side, not that my absence was related to some change in the future of childbirth.

The fact is that at night, eating little should have affected me, because people asked me if I was fineWell, they saw me "a little yellow." I did not look at myself in the mirror, but by that time my son was already born and I could take something else to my stomach.

After learning about Bloom's case, I realized that I am not alone in this, so I am looking for more allies:You let your husband go to eat / pee while you were in labor?

Video: The Try Guys Try 14 Hours Of Labor Pain Simulation (July 2024).