Children who see cooking at home choose healthier foods

There is nothing better than setting an example. What children see at home they assume as normal and from there they create their own habits both in dealing with others, in sports, and in all areas. Of course, also in terms of food.

That is why it is so important to put them in the kitchen since they are little, let them play with food, cook together, stain and experiment with the ingredients.

According to a group of scientists from the Department of Nutritional Sciences of the Pennsylvania State University (USA), Children who see their parents cook for longer at home make healthier choices when choosing their own food.

When analyzing the behavior of 61 children between four and six years old, who could freely eat the food they wanted, from chocolate cookies to vegetables and fruits, they found that in those families where they spent more time cooking at home, the children chose healthier food.

The children in whose homes they cooked up to 16 hours a week, were precisely those who had chosen less caloric meals, compared to those who barely spent 60 minutes, regardless of the socioeconomic level of the family.

If children are in contact with a variety of foods, with their flavors and textures since they begin to introduce solids in their diet they can establish a healthier relationship with them.

Put them in the kitchen with us, see us cook and participate in the preparation of meals since they are young will also discover a world of possibilities that will have an impact on better eating habits.

Video: How to Create a Healthy Plate (June 2024).